Friday, December 10, 2010
35 weeks
Today was my last day at work!! After work, Chris and I went to the hospital to fill out paperwork and tour the new labor and delivery part of the hospital. The rooms are a lot more updated than they used to be, and I feel much more comfortable knowing where I need to go and where I will be while in labor and afterwards while recovering.

Saturday, December 4, 2010
34 weeks
We took an all day childbirth class today at the hospital. We learned pretty much everything there is to learn, like how to know if you're in labor, when to go to the hospital, staying calm.... then the more intense stuff like breathing techniques during labor, other relaxation methods, the three stages of labor.... there is so much more to it than I thought!! I am more nervous after having to watch videos of different births, but I am glad we took the class because we both feel much more prepared and ready for that day to come. I am hoping to have this baby all natural but we will see... I know plans don't always work out.

Friday, November 19, 2010
32 weeks!!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
27 weeks!
Monday, September 13, 2010
You have a name!
We have been coming up with tons of ideas since we found out we were having a boy, and we couldn't agree on any even the slightest bit. We both made lists of our favorite names and traded, hoping we could pick one we agreed on, and that didn't work either. A week ago I told Chris that I wasn't going to stress over it, and a name would come to us eventually. Today the name Rylan suddenly popped into my head, while I was trying to think of a name that was unique but not weird. I asked Chris if he liked it, and he loved it!! We decided a while ago that his middle name would be Christopher, so we wanted to spell his name Rylan instead of Rilan because Chris's middle name is Ryan.... so we have Christopher Ryan and Rylan Christopher!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
20 weeks
I am really starting to show, I can't believe I am already half way through my pregnancy!! At this point I am really enjoying it, I can feel him moving around and hiccuping :)
I got a job at our airport, for something to do with my time and save up some extra money. I plan to only work until a month before my due date, or until I get so big I can't work anymore... I hope that isn't the case!
I got a job at our airport, for something to do with my time and save up some extra money. I plan to only work until a month before my due date, or until I get so big I can't work anymore... I hope that isn't the case!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
12 Weeks along!
In this photo I am 12 weeks along, I plan on wearing the same clothes in each picture... until they don't fit anymore :) My pants are fitting even tighter, there aren't any that I can actually button anymore. I do have some maternity pants already, which I'm not quite ready for.... I can still wear my normal pants, I just have to secure them with a hairtie!
At 12 weeks, the baby is starting to have reflexes. If I poke my stomach, chances are you will squirm in response. The brain is forming rapidly, and the features are starting to look more human. From crown to rump, the baby measures just over 2 inches and is about the size of a lime.
At 12 weeks, the baby is starting to have reflexes. If I poke my stomach, chances are you will squirm in response. The brain is forming rapidly, and the features are starting to look more human. From crown to rump, the baby measures just over 2 inches and is about the size of a lime.
7 Weeks along!
This is me at 7 weeks, I hear the bump isn't from baby yet, just from bloating :/ My pants are already fitting tighter though, it seemed like within a week I gained some weight already!
This photo was taken right before I went to California and got my first ultrasound from my aunt... the baby was so tiny, but we got to see and hear the heartbeat. It was amazing hearing it for the first time, I will never forget that experience!!
At 7 weeks, the babys hands and feet are starting to emerge from the sides of the body, and the liver is already making red blood cells. The baby has already doubled in size since last week, now about the size of a blueberry.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Am I Really Pregnant??
I am almost 7 weeks pregnant, and I still don't believe that I really am. My mom said it didn't ever hit her that she was pregnant until the fourth month. I am going to California a week from today, and my aunt does ultrasounds, so I will be able to see the baby for the first time at 8 weeks. Maybe that will make it more real, maybe it won't be until my belly starts getting huge.
This morning Chris was talking to his mom, and she said he was 9 pounds 10 ounces when he was born. I sure hope whatever your weight was as a baby doesn't reflect what your baby's weight will be, because if that's the case, I am much more worried for giving birth!!! I look at my 5 pound dog and can't even imagine that! Haha.
I already need to buy some new jeans, I can only button two pairs out of 6, and I have only gained one or two pounds. Luckily, a lot of my friends and family who have had babies are my size, so I may just be able to borrow some maternity clothes. That's the great thing about being one of the youngest in the family and in my church :)
I am hoping and praying that I can enjoy this pregnancy, I already know it is going to go by so fast, which is good, because I want my baby!, but from the stories I've heard, I'm sure I'll miss having my baby safe and warm in my belly and feeling it kick and swim around :)
There is so much more to come and this is just the beginning of many many new experiences, I am so excited and feel so blessed that we got pregnant so quickly!!!
This morning Chris was talking to his mom, and she said he was 9 pounds 10 ounces when he was born. I sure hope whatever your weight was as a baby doesn't reflect what your baby's weight will be, because if that's the case, I am much more worried for giving birth!!! I look at my 5 pound dog and can't even imagine that! Haha.
I already need to buy some new jeans, I can only button two pairs out of 6, and I have only gained one or two pounds. Luckily, a lot of my friends and family who have had babies are my size, so I may just be able to borrow some maternity clothes. That's the great thing about being one of the youngest in the family and in my church :)
I am hoping and praying that I can enjoy this pregnancy, I already know it is going to go by so fast, which is good, because I want my baby!, but from the stories I've heard, I'm sure I'll miss having my baby safe and warm in my belly and feeling it kick and swim around :)
There is so much more to come and this is just the beginning of many many new experiences, I am so excited and feel so blessed that we got pregnant so quickly!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
It's Baby Time!
Chris and I just found out a week ago that we are pregnant. It only took us two months of trying, I never imagined it would happen so quick!! I can't even explain how excited I am! So many of my family and friends are pregnant, I felt out of the loop until now!! My sister in law, cousin, and I will all give birth within 5 months of each other. That is so exciting to know that I have so many friends to get advice from and go through pregnancy with, and already have playmates for my unborn child! :)
I almost don't even believe that I'm pregnant, and probably won't until I see it on my first ultrasound (June 2 - 6 when I go to California, my aunt does ultrasounds). I know it will be teeny tiny and look more like an alien, but at least a cute one!
We told our parents about the pregnancy last night, I wanted to take another test and double check before I got anyone excited. I put the two pregnancy tests in a ziplock bag at the bottom of a gift bag, and put another gift for my parents on top of it. Just something un-baby related. I told them it was an early Father's Day gift and a late Mother's Day gift. Niether of them had any idea that it was going to be another grandbaby!! They will have 3 grandbabies come January, before my mom is even 45! I am going to have so much fun planning baby stuff and spending time with my mom throughout this pregnancy. It's an excuse to go shopping and to yard sales :)
I am already getting stomach pains that are waking me up at 2 am, I didn't think any symptoms started this early! I usually eat eggs for breakfast every morning, but the last couple days I don't even want to look at eggs or smell them! I am interested and excited at what is to come in the next few weeks. I will be 6 weeks tomorrow! :)
The retired pastor that taught at my church when I first started going there, who also did our wedding, didn't even know we were trying to get pregnant, and about three weeks ago he told me he had a dream that I came up to him and told him I was pregnant. So yesterday when we started telling our friends, I told one of my best friends Brianna, who is his granddaughter, to also tell him that I really am pregnant. He told her that on Sunday at church, just a few days ago, that he was looking at me and just had a feeling that I was pregnant. How cool is that?? But now I am going to be asking him a lot more often what he is dreaming about.... :)
I will try to post a picture soon, I already have a belly! (which isnt baby, I hear its bloating...) My "what to expect when you're expecting" book is telling me to take a good look at my waistline now, because in a few weeks I wont be seeing it again for quite some time!!
I almost don't even believe that I'm pregnant, and probably won't until I see it on my first ultrasound (June 2 - 6 when I go to California, my aunt does ultrasounds). I know it will be teeny tiny and look more like an alien, but at least a cute one!
We told our parents about the pregnancy last night, I wanted to take another test and double check before I got anyone excited. I put the two pregnancy tests in a ziplock bag at the bottom of a gift bag, and put another gift for my parents on top of it. Just something un-baby related. I told them it was an early Father's Day gift and a late Mother's Day gift. Niether of them had any idea that it was going to be another grandbaby!! They will have 3 grandbabies come January, before my mom is even 45! I am going to have so much fun planning baby stuff and spending time with my mom throughout this pregnancy. It's an excuse to go shopping and to yard sales :)
I am already getting stomach pains that are waking me up at 2 am, I didn't think any symptoms started this early! I usually eat eggs for breakfast every morning, but the last couple days I don't even want to look at eggs or smell them! I am interested and excited at what is to come in the next few weeks. I will be 6 weeks tomorrow! :)
The retired pastor that taught at my church when I first started going there, who also did our wedding, didn't even know we were trying to get pregnant, and about three weeks ago he told me he had a dream that I came up to him and told him I was pregnant. So yesterday when we started telling our friends, I told one of my best friends Brianna, who is his granddaughter, to also tell him that I really am pregnant. He told her that on Sunday at church, just a few days ago, that he was looking at me and just had a feeling that I was pregnant. How cool is that?? But now I am going to be asking him a lot more often what he is dreaming about.... :)
I will try to post a picture soon, I already have a belly! (which isnt baby, I hear its bloating...) My "what to expect when you're expecting" book is telling me to take a good look at my waistline now, because in a few weeks I wont be seeing it again for quite some time!!
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